What is your birth philosophy? Our birth philosophy is that every woman is different. You deserve the right to choose what makes YOU feel the most confident. There are so many philosophy’s about giving birth. No medication, medication, planned cesareans, in the woods, underwater, on top of a mountain... What works for you, works for us.
What is your education and training? By what organization? All of our doulas have undergone the upmost of professional training through ProDoula.
Do you get along well with my care provider? What about the nurses at my hospital? We strive to maintain great professional relationships with local doctors, midwives and nurses.
What is your fee? Labor support is a flat fee that will be discussed during our initial consultation. These fees are also present in our virtual welcome packet that you will receive after your inquiry or can be discussed via phone call. We do accept payment plans.
Do you have student doulas or doulas in training that will provide services for free or low cost? Our doulas are trained to the upmost of standards. We believe that once our doulas have completed their training, they are completely ready to support you through pregnancy and labor.
How will we communicate before the birth? Are you available to answer any questions? From the moment of signing our contract, we are available 24/7 to communicate with you via phone call, text or email.
How many times will we meet before my birth? As professionals, we will always meet with you in the comfort of your own home. We will meet once for an initial interview, and in your third trimester we will meet with you (and your birth partner) for your prenatal consultation.
Do you have back up arrangements with another doula in case you're not free when I need you? When you hire us, you're hiring two doulas. We work on and on-call schedule, if there is ever a situation where the "on-call" doula is not able to make it, the other will attend.
When do you arrive during labor? When you need us. Most of our clients find us most useful once they're in active labor, and that’s really when we do our best as well.
How long do you stay after the birth? Typically an hour afterwards, to support you through breastfeeding/bottle feeding for the first time, we will stay until you are ready to bond with your baby and family on your own.